I always go right to the cartoons section when I read the morning paper. I’ve got to get my Cathy fix. Not everyone thinks it’s that funny, but they just don’t get it. People, it’s a talking pig that wears funny clothes. That’s hilarious. It’s some other cartoons printed recently, though, that aren’t making everyone laugh, that I’ll discuss here today.
Some Danish newspaper printed some cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed doing various things around the house. I never read that issue; I find most Danish newspapers focus on the country of Denmark more than I care for. Anyway now a bunch of Muslims are getting their burkas in a bunch over it. Now I don’t have much sway in the Mideast right now, but they should listen to me anyway because I am right. I won’t even discuss freedom of the press, because it’s clear those protesting the cartoons don’t know what that is, or just don’t care. Never mind that the cartoons were drawn to protest the censorship of anything critical to Muslims.
Yes, depicting Mohammed is forbidden in Islam. So what? Drinking alcohol is also forbidden, but I don’t have to stop for you or anyone else. The Jews don’t seem to care when I eat a bacon cheeseburger. I don’t care if you eat roast beef on Good Friday. Why can’t they trust Allah to punish those who violate his laws? Why does everyone need to take it on themselves to dole out divine judgment?
And how do they know that the cartoons were even of Mohammed? Do they know what he looks like and can recognize his likeness? ‘Cause anyone who believes that the images depict Mohammed should be guilty of the very thing they are upset about. Yes, it’s all semantics, but what in religion isn’t?
Yes, the cartoons were offensive to Muslims. Get over it. If you are upset because someone stereotypes all Muslims as militant fanatics, burning down an embassy doesn’t help your case. Stop acting like you are three years old. Everyone grow up. Everyone.